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Lichen Sclerosus

A community member asks:

"Is it common to have Lichen sclerosis with psoriatic arthritis?"

Does anyone also have Lichen sclerosis with psoriatic arthritis? Or know someone who does? Please share your experience with us, if you feel comfortable doing so.

  1. I was never diagnosed with lichen sclerosis but dealt with undiagnosed genital psoriasis for about 18 years or so. The genital psoriasis is never improved for long. One thing that did help with it (other than topical steroids) is waxing, as hair growth in the area always seems to make it worse, I do get some relief when I've just gotten a wax but it doesn't last long.

    1. are you aware that we have a plaque psoriasis website as well? You can go to to read other articles there. I realize you mentioned genital psoriasis but you should be able to find some articles about it as well. Vickie W., Team Member

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