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Can You Join The Military If You Have Psoriatic Disease?

Well, the answer is no. I applied in 1976 and was denied before I opened my mouth. You see, my condition was visible.

How do you feel about this? What do you think could be some reasons the military won't take you? Also, do you know of any other professions that would denied you? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. Can you join the military with any kind of chronic illnesses?

    1. Not sure of any other professions that won’t accept you with PS/PSA , but I did try to donate plasma not long after being diagnosed… after an hour of the administrator thumbing page after page of a big binder full of questions- she did ask if I had an autoimmune disease… DQ’d right there…. That was pre-“smartphone” lol or I would have known not to go 🤡

      1. Hello , thanks for sharing. I know that police officer is on the list. That doesn't disqualify you, but you will have to go through several tests. I'm curious to know if there are other careers that you can't get with this illness. How are you feeling? Diane (Team Member)

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